The Twisted Sisters

Miranda is 29 years old. She was born and raised in South Carolina but is now held hostage in Georgia with her husband and dog, Bear. She loves being outside and hiking in the woods with her pup. Miranda loves the science aspect of true crime.
Chandler is 24 years old and was born and raised in Charlotte, North Carolina. She now lives in South Carolina with her husband and two kids. She loves to travel as well as food and one day hopes to eat her way around the world. She is new to the true crime and podcasting world but is excited to take this journey with her two bonus sisters.
Ellen constantly forgets how old she is and would rather stay home with snacks than do anything that resembles being social. She loves chilly weather, New York City, and would pick a gritty crime procedural over a chick flick every time. Ellen lives in Florida on the Emerald Coast with her husband and three children that represent all of the karma that her mother cursed her with as a child.